I like the ped-countdown displays here (San Jose, US) because I can better 
judge if I'll need to stop or not when approaching an intersection. I've 
noticed the drivers getting worse and worse about following basic laws like 
stopping at red lights. Rush hour only makes things worse- at the freeway on 
ramp intersection near where I work, an average of 5 cars go through the 
intersection after the light turns green for the other direction. To be fair, 
I've done the same when I am carrying something delicate and mis-judged the 
light, but these people just want to get home faster- I've often wished we 
could shoot offending cars with indelible paint balls... and the CHP could 
write tickets when you had enough hits on your car... Worst offenders? BMW and 
Audi drivers... 

I can dream... 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Poul-Henning Kamp" <p...@phk.freebsd.dk> 
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" <time-nuts@febo.com> 
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 10:31:45 PM 
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] New unit of time measurement 

In message <2867F1FA0E254465AF8CA85C85ED0C79@narvik>, "David J Taylor" writes: 

>> In China I've seen down-counting LED displays for the red sign. But this 
>> is just to simple for Europe. Badly. 
>I've certainly seen countdown display for pedestrians in several European 

They are not used for cars here in Denmark because a certain testosterone 
driven segment of drivers think they are in pole-position when they see 
a count-down. 

Poul-Henning Kamp | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20 
p...@freebsd.org | TCP/IP since RFC 956 
FreeBSD committer | BSD since 4.3-tahoe 
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence. 

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