On Mon, 08 Jun 2015 16:27:26 +0100, David C. Partridge wrote:

> I'm up for either ...  My thoughts are to try it out on a development
> board and if it works, maybe build a few for possible sale, and also
> release Gerbers and VHDL files.
> Regards,
> David Partridge 

I have these cheap cards , that might be a nice start.

CPLD Altera EPM240 (make sure you get the blue board)
Ebay: 271520142479      

Fpga (2 onboard PLL's) older Cyclone2 , but prob ok.
Ebay: 400630255386

Ebay: 200943750380

If they could be the heart of the system, then everybody could get 
started cheap.

I'm using Quartus2 on Linux (Mint17) , works ok.
But Modelsim needs some extra libs to function.


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