
If you look at Tom’s data, he very definitely has a peak to peak in the 5 to 7 
ns range over a 24 hour period. He also gets the expected auto
correlation spikes. 


> On Apr 17, 2017, at 4:38 PM, Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> The reason I express so much confusion over this is because I don't see the 
> wild phase excursions on my GFS units that people insist will happen due to 
> ionospheric effects.  Is this because they are rare events, and I just 
> haven't been saving data during a bad time?  I notice in your example page, 
> you aren't seeing them, either during your 8+ day capture of the Tbolt.
> Bob 
>      From: Tom Van Baak <t...@leapsecond.com>
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement <time-nuts@febo.com> 
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 3:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Three-cornered hat on timelab?
> Bob S,
> Here's an example of a one week GPSDO run:
> http://leapsecond.com/pages/tbolt-8d/
> IIRC, this was a default, untuned, self-surveyed TBolt. You can see some 
> level of daily variations -- probably a mix of sky view, survey error, 
> ionosphere, multi-path, sidereal effects [1], temperature (antenna, cable, 
> GPSDO, reference), etc. It takes some time and equipment to sort out which is 
> which, but even a simple test like this can give you an upper bound.
> /tvb
> [1] Fun GPS orbit stuff here:
> http://leapsecond.com/pages/sidereal/index.htm
> http://leapsecond.com/pages/sidereal/14years.htm
> http://leapsecond.com/pages/sidereal/sv.htm
> http://leapsecond.com/pages/gps-orbit/
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Bob Stewart" <b...@evoria.net>
> To: "Bob kb8tq" <kb...@n1k.org>; "Discussion of Precise Time and Frequency 
> Measurement" <time-nuts@febo.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 9:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Three-cornered hat on timelab?
> Hi Bob,
> OK, thanks. I've kicked off a 7 day run of a GFS against the PRS-45A. That 
> should be long enough to separate out the GFS from the PRS' drift direction 
> from the ionosphere.
> Bob 
>       From: Bob kb8tq <kb...@n1k.org>
> To: Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> 
> Cc: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement <time-nuts@febo.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 11:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Three-cornered hat on timelab?
> Hi
> The ionosphere is the culprit in terms of the daily swing. The swing is a 
> function of the goodness of fit between the GPS broadcast dataand the 
> ionosphere as it impacts the satellites you are using. There is no rime or 
> reason to it beyond that. If you get “lucky” things don’t move much. If you 
> live in exciting times, things move quite a bit. Unless you go to something 
> like an L1/L2 receiver, the GPS module you use has little to do with it 
> (unless it’s broke ….). Yes there are some fiddly little qualifiers relating 
> to being at the north or south pole and GPS coverage (along with space 
> weather impacts). Very few of us do our runs at either location :) Just for 
> reference, the area of concern also hasat least one day each year where the 
> sun sets for < 1 hours. 
> Bob
> On Apr 17, 2017, at 11:33 AM, Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> Oh, I had completely forgotten about the many runs you gifted us with back 
> then. Fortunately, I kept all of them in my email archive. I can't compare 
> like for like, of course, but I think I can work up something that compares 
> at the larger taus where the 5370 doesn't dominate.
> I'm going to run another long term test of my GFS unit against my PRS-45A. 
> The problem, the issue that made me ask for data is that everything from 
> phase plots to ADEV plots of my unit are just so much better than the KS. In 
> addition, I don't see the large ionospheric swings on my GFS unit that you 
> and Bruce and others have spoken about. This bothers me a lot. Could it be my 
> location here in Houston? Could it be the Ublox LEA-6T compared to the much 
> older Motorola in the KS?
> Bob 
>       From: Bob kb8tq <kb...@n1k.org>
> To: Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> 
> Cc: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement <time-nuts@febo.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 7:55 AM
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Three-cornered hat on timelab?
> Hi
> The data I have on the KS boxes was posted to the list back when they were.a 
> hot topic. I’m sure it is still in the archives.I’m guessing it’s not quite 
> what you are after. 
> The closer the devices are to each other the better the technique works. A 
> simple way to look at it is as an attenuation. If it knocks noise down 10:1, 
> the worst unit should be no more than 10X noise than the best unit. How much 
> things are knockeddown is a function of the length of the runs compared to 
> the longest tau. For a 10:1 ratio of tau to run, attenuation of noise by 10:1 
> is very optimistic. You usually need something beyond 100:1 to get that sort 
> of performance. A lot depends on the noise involved. Some types of behavior 
> simply don’t work well with the technique. 
> The KS box goes from “better than” to “worse than” and back to “better than” 
> most atomic standards you would compare it to overa range of tau from 0.1 S 
> to 1,000,000 seconds. To get the 1,000,000 second data accurately, you would 
> need a 100,000,000 secondrun. The simple answer there is that nobody has that 
> kind of time or that reliable a setup. Even the three month run to get 
> good100,000 second data is a challenge. None of that relates to three corner 
> hat stuff, it’s just the confidence bars on ADEV. It givesyou another (say) 
> 100:1 wait on top of the three corner stuff. 
> Now toss in the basics of GPS. Depending on the day, you will get <10 ns to 
> >100 ns swing over a 24 hour period. Today may or may not be the same as 
> tomorrow. That’s with a “perfect” L1 setup. The variation comes from the 
> ionosphere and the fact thatthe GPS data does not allow you to fully correct 
> for it. In addition, you will get some interesting bumps related to 
> constellations and your local antenna setup. Any GPSDO that is quartz based 
> will happily follow the 24 hour swing in the GPS from the ionosphere. At 
> 100,000 seconds, a 100 ns swing is 1x10^-12. That’s a lot of disruption. It 
> most certainly is not the sort of thing that ADEV expects to pop up in the 
> middle of a run. 
> The simple answer to all this is “don’t go there”. Three corner hat is fine 
> for short term stuff. It’s a mess for long term runs. Getting datathat is 
> good enough for a long term ADEV run out of a three corner setup is a major 
> struggle. The time for the correlation to knock downthe noise on top of the 
> time to get good ADEV data gets you into impractically long runs. 
> Bob
> On Apr 16, 2017, at 10:16 PM, Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> OK, I give up. Try as I might, I can't fudge things enough to make any sense. 
> I did run a set of 1 hour tests that seemed to confirm what I can infer from 
> the phase plots in timelab, but anything longer than that and the curves 
> either contradict the phase plots, or there are large gaps in at least one 
> trace, or a trace is even missing entirely. Oh well. I seem to remember 
> reading that the 3c-hat was only useful in comparing similar devices. The KS 
> just isn't close enough to what I'm trying to compare it to, I guess.
> If you or anyone else has an ADEV plot of the KS against some local standard 
> (for any length of time, any standard, even just a bare OCXO that is not a 
> Trimble 34310-T) could you please share it with me? I'm looking for relative 
> peformance, not a definitive test. Of course if you also have one of a 
> 34310-T against the same standard, that would be great!
> Bob 
>       From: Bob kb8tq <kb...@n1k.org>
> To: Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net>; Discussion of precise time and frequency 
> measurement <time-nuts@febo.com> 
> Cc: John Miles <j...@miles.io>
> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 7:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Three-cornered hat on timelab?
> Hi
> There are a number of papers from the 70’s and 80’s digging into three corner 
> hat data. The net result often
> would turn out to be “less than zero” noise on one of the DUT’s. Since that’s 
> physically impossible the technique
> got a bit of “attention”. The Cliff Notes version of the results is that 
> simultaneous measurements were the key
> to getting decent results. The closer to “same time” (as in microseconds or 
> nanoseconds) the better. Even with very careful 
> data collection, odd things can still happen. Phase noise pops up at crazy 
> low levels or ADEV goes to bizarre
> numbers. In many ways a TimePod (or other ADC based setup) is ideal for 
> getting the data synchronized. Running
> all three devices on one is by far the best way I have seen to make the 
> technique work. It still can have problems, 
> but less so that other ways of doing it. 
> Bob
>> On Apr 13, 2017, at 7:16 PM, Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> I had a chance to think about this some more after I pressed the send key. 
>> The ionospheric effects are certainly going to be different if the distance 
>> in time between tests is large. And, of course, there is the fact that the 
>> KS has a pretty old receiver compared the Ublox I use, so that even the 
>> reaction to the ionosphere is likely to be different. So, I thought I'd 
>> experiment with some runs with both GPSDOs in holdover to see if that would 
>> even the score, so to speak. Of course then I have the temperature variable, 
>> so it's never going to be perfect.
>> Anyway, thanks for the help. If I get anything that seems useful out of 
>> this, I'll post links to the data.
>> Bob 
>> From: John Miles <j...@miles.io>
>> To: 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement' 
>> <time-nuts@febo.com> 
>> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 6:01 PM
>> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Three-cornered hat on timelab?
>> Longer runs would be better to the extent that they give you smaller error 
>> bars in your tau range of interest, certainly. But any effects that 
>> influence one of your runs but not the others will render the 3-cornered hat 
>> solution questionable, if not outright invalid. Only through many repeated 
>> runs can you learn to tell the bogus data from the good stuff. So I'd make 
>> shorter runs at first, until you're sure you know what you're looking at.
>> It doesn't matter which source is applied to the start versus stop channel, 
>> as long as the assignments are consistent with the source labels you apply. 
>> I would use frequency-count mode to simplify things, at least at first. This 
>> is already a very challenging measurement for all the reasons mentioned. 
>> -- john, KE5FX
>> Miles Design LLC
>> From: Bob Stewart [mailto:b...@evoria.net] 
>> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 8:41 AM
>> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement; John Miles
>> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Three-cornered hat on timelab?
>> Hi John,
>> Thanks! With lesser equipment, such as the 5370A, would longer runs be 
>> better? I used a set of 1 hr runs and the result wasn't quite what I had 
>> expected. However, it may be that I had mislabeled the files, and thus got 
>> the sources confused. Of course, it may be that the ionospheric effect was 
>> grossly different between the three tests. So, with a 5370, Source A would 
>> be the START input and Source B would be the STOP input, right? For my 
>> testing, the sources are all 10MHz signals, and I'm driving the EXT input 
>> with 1PPS from a GPSDO.
>> Bob 
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