On 14/06/18 23:31, gandalfg8--- via time-nuts wrote:
> Earlier replies that discussed removing the DC supply from the 8140 outputs 
> gave me the impression your requirement was to connect directly the outputs 
> of the 8140 without line tap modules, which is what I was addressing with my 
> recent suggestion of a series capacitor, but can see now that's not the case.

I think that was a digression from my post, I'm planning to use the 8140
as-expected by Spectracom.

> The VersaTaps phase lock an internal crystal, any frequency between 4 and 
> 20MHz, to the 10MHz input and then provide an output at the crystal frequency 
> or the crystal frequency divided by a fixed integer between 1 and 8,192, so 
> in that sense yes they're a synthesiser but the few I've seen were still 
> supplied preset for a specific frequency.

Ah, yes, that design would make a lot of sense. I was imagining a more
modern design you might do these days.

> However, "versatile" does not necessarilly mean quick or convenient to 
> reprogram.
> Aside from perhaps needing  to change the crystal the division ratio needs to 
> be set by adding or removing links across pairs of holes in the circuit 
> board. Those holes are on a standard 0.1inch pitch so fitting headers that 
> would take shorting links should be straightfoward enough, and I suspect what 
> was originally intended, but the units I have were supplied preprogrammed 
> using resistor style wire ended zero ohm links mounted above the circuit 
> board and soldered from below. Reprogramming one of these would involve 
> unsoldering and perhaps removing all the connectors etc in order to remove 
> the circuit board, so I'd certainly make darn sure they had headers fitted 
> before being returned to the box!

I'm going to have to do something very similar to the 8140 when it
arrives, as I bought one set for 1MHz input, and I'm going to
(initially) be feeding it 5MHz from an FRK.
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