This is probably now well past its sell by date but over the years there have 
been a number of requests here for schematics of the Spectracom 8140T Line Taps 
as used with the 8140 Frequency Distribution Amp.

 The standard reply has always been that no schematics were available from 
Spectracom, which is true, and that tracing one out wasn't a viable option 
either as the 8140T modules were potted in some kind of foam, but a few years 
ago I made an interesting discovery about the 8140T that enabled me to quickly 
produce a sketched schematic followed by the intention of posting it here just 
as soon as I'd turned it into something a bit more legible.

Unfortunately those good intentions got left behind as other projects came 
along and it was only the recent posts regarding removal of the DC feed from 
the outputs of the 8140 that reminded me this was still a work in progress, or 
more to the point, remarkably little progress:-(

BTW, with reference to removing the DC supply on the 8140 outputs, although it 
is possible to effect this by removing internal components  by far the most 
straightforward arrangement, and most easily reversible, would be to use an 
inline DC blocking capacitor of between say 100 and 470 nF, just as is already 
very commonly used with  remotely powered HF active receiving antennas.

Anyways back to the 8140T schematic, I have now posted on mediafire the 
schematic of an 8140T10, the basic 10MHz in 10MHz out version, complete with 
far too many assorted internal photos plus details of said interesting 
discovery, with extra brownie points to anyone who might already be thinking 
foam and cardboard sandwiches:-)

Nigel, GM8PZR

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