Hi Akankshu,

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Akankshu Dhawan <akank...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I am using two mechanisms for high sampling.
> 1. Using MicStreamC and changing the prescalar value inside MicP to
> ATM128_ADC_PRESCALE_32 and the gain value is set to 64.
> I create a buffer of 1000 samples and every time the buffer gets full I take
> the average and print it out. The problem is that the microphone does not
> seem to be responding or is not showing me sufficiently precise values. The
> average when I dont make a noise is around 500 ADC.. and even if I am
> clapping shouting (for long durations) it still shows me slightly lower
> values like 497 etc. So I am not sure why this is so ?

The values from the ADC are DC offset to about level 500 (which is
halfway in the 10-bit resolution). This means when the values reported
by the microphone transducer are negative, you get a lower ADC value.
For what you want to do, I would suggest computing the corrected mean
square and not the direct mean. That is:


where, 1000 is the number of samples in your buffer and 500 is your
halfway point. In general, you may want to calibrate your halfway


> 2. When I created the low level interfaces on my own using the sample
> SoundLocalizer example in Tinyos programming book, I am giving the
> microphone ADC a free run at the same prescale setup (there is a difference
> of some parameter being passed through getData as FALSE in that example
> which is suppose to cater to LEFT_ADJUSTMENT ) but when I compare the values
> that I am getting inside dataReady they respond well to sounds. This would
> work for me but I am just curious why the MicStream does not work. This way
> I would not have to recreate all the buffer code.
> If anyone can please tell me what setting inside MicSetting or MicP have I
> done wrong that it is not responding.
> Thanks a lot.
> SIncerely
> Akankshu Dhawan
> --
> First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you
> win.
> - Mahatma Gandhi
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