Hi Paul
I think I will try this one thing. Let me reinstall the tinyos tool set and
source tree so that I get the original settings for ADC and Mic details and
the compare because it might be some change that I have made that is making
it behave in this way. Because I do remember making some changes in MicP
based on Atm128adc.h values.

I will let you know if the problem still persists.


On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Paul Johnson <oewyn...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Akankshu,
> I have taken a look at the code, but I'm not really able to say what is
> significantly different between the two other than the fact that
> SoundLocalizer is designed to sample the microphone as fast as possible, so
> there are probably some optimizations that Hu Siquan (the author of the
> code, his email is inside the code if you need it) made to make it perform
> better.  You would have to talk to him if you have questions about it as I
> have no hands-on experience with any of the mts300 functionality.
> Your problem may be that the MicP implementation is that it has more
> overhead and samples the microphone fewer times per second.  I have no idea
> of the speeds, but if for example, the MicP implementation takes 10 seconds
> to collect 1000 samples, you may be missing all of the peaks of the sound
> events (clapping, shouting, or whatnot) when you are sampling the ADC,
> versus SoundLocalizer which is designed to sample the ADC as fast as
> possible.  Without access to the hardware, and performing some profiling of
> each implementation, i can't say for sure if this is the case.
> Sorry that i couldn't help you more.
> -Paul
> Akankshu Dhawan wrote:
> Hi Paul
> Can you tell me what might be the different between the microphone
> implementation in MicrophoneC inside SoundLocalizer Vs the MicP inside
> mts300 ?
>  Thanks a lot
> Akankshu
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Paul Johnson <oewyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> CVS under /tinyos-2.x-contrib/tinyos-programming/
>> -Paul
>> Martin Osterloh wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi all,
>> sorry for interfering this thread. But, where can I find the
>> sourcecode to the soundlocalizer demo?
>> Best,
>> Martin
>> Akankshu Dhawan wrote:
>>  Hi Michael and Zainul
>> Thanks a lot for your response. I am grateful to be hearing from you.
>> I will look into the corrected mean solution before I suggest some
>> hardware changes to my team.
>> Although, my bigger question was why direct sampling by calling
>> getData->dataReady on a free running ADC (this is what is used in
>> the SoundLocalizer example in Tinyos-2.x described in the book also)
>> responds better ? if I try to do threshold detection of every sample
>> using the same interface and direct sampling I get values which are
>> very responsive and high rate of sampling. I know I am loosing on
>> some precision by sampling at a rate other than the default
>> ATM128_ADC_PRESCALE but since I am mainly using it for thresholding
>> I think my application can handle it.
>> Can you tell me some comparison between the microphone setup used by
>> the MicP and MicStream compared to the SoundLocalizer direct
>> sampling setup ?
>> Thanks a lot once again
>> Sincerely
>> Akankshu Dhawan
>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Michael Schippling
>> <sc...@santafe.edu <mailto:sc...@santafe.edu> <sc...@santafe.edu>> wrote:
>>     I suspect that the straight averaging thing is not what you want.
>>     I haven't looked at the mic data, but it's sampling an AC
>>     signal (sound wave pressure alternates between compression
>>     and rarefaction at the frequency you perceive) and is probably
>>     biased so a no-pressure signal is pretty much in the middle of
>>     the ADC range. Averaging that AC signal over a number of high-low
>>     pressure waves will just give you the middle again.
>>     If that is the case, what you want to do is rectify the signal --
>>     half-wave would just chop off the samples below the mid-value,
>>     full-wave would invert them around the mid-value -- before
>>     trying to average to get a "loudness". If you are trying
>>     to get the "Sound Pressure Level" -- how loud the sound is at
>>     any particular time -- it's called "Envelope Following" in the
>>     good old days of signal processing. If you know any electronics,
>>     what you want to build is a diode or diode bridge, to rectify
>>     the signal, and a capacitor to filter, or average, it to a slowly
>>     varying DC value.
>>     MS
>>     Akankshu Dhawan wrote:
>>         Hi All
>>         I am using two mechanisms for high sampling.
>>         1. Using MicStreamC and changing the prescalar value inside
>>         MicP to ATM128_ADC_PRESCALE_32 and the gain value is set to
>>         64. I create a buffer of 1000 samples and every time the
>>         buffer gets full I take the average and print it out. The
>>         problem is that the microphone does not seem to be
>>         responding or is not showing me sufficiently precise values.
>>         The average when I dont make a noise is around 500 ADC.. and
>>         even if I am clapping shouting (for long durations) it still
>>         shows me slightly */lower values /like 497 etc. So I am not
>>         sure why this is so ?*
>>         2. When I created the low level interfaces on my own using
>>         the sample SoundLocalizer example in Tinyos programming
>>         book, I am giving the microphone ADC a free run at the same
>>         prescale setup (there is a difference of some parameter
>>         being passed through getData as FALSE in that example which
>>         is suppose to cater to LEFT_ADJUSTMENT ) but when I compare
>>         the values that I am getting inside dataReady they respond
>>         well to sounds. This would work for me but I am just curious
>>         why the MicStream does not work. This way I would not have
>>         to recreate all the buffer code.
>>         If anyone can please tell me what setting inside MicSetting
>>         or MicP have I done wrong that it is not responding.
>>         Thanks a lot.
>>         SIncerely
>>         Akankshu Dhawan
>>         --
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