I hate to say this in light of the feelings expressed by adjuncts on the
list, but I was so happy to be making $2750 per class as an adjunct
because I was living off $800/month as a grad student. I taught 5
classes at 3 different campuses while I was writing my dissertation and
I felt that the experience I got was invaluable. I was thankful for the
opportunity and learned so much. I felt the money was fair. I think the
adjunct position is not meant to be a career. It's a stepping stone. If
people have higher ambitions for pay and stability and job security,
they might consider getting on the tenure track. I am on the tenure
track now and still make very little money. But the summers off, the
flexibility of scheduling, being my own boss, etc. are very rewarding.
No one gets into teaching for the money. If you want to talk about
peanuts, talk about public school teachers' salaries of less than
$20,000 per year with no power and long days. We all wish we were paid
better, but I wouldn't trade this job for a high powered corporate job
making 3x as much. The sacrifices would be too great for my child and my
quality of life.

Tasha R. Howe, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Psychology (Developmental)
Transylvania University
300 N. Broadway
Lexington, KY  40508
Phone: (859) 233-8144
FAX: (859) 281-3507
Website: http://www.transy.edu/homepages/thowe/ftpdpages/index2.html
Another website I created: http://www.scbwi-midsouth.com/

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