I have proposed a course on the psychology of forgiveness.  There is a
lot of exciting psychological research looking at the impact of
forgiveness on human behavior.  It's also a topic with a lot of
practical relevance. 

Roderick D. Hetzel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
 LeTourneau University
President-Elect, Division 51
 American Psychological Association
Department of Psychology
LeTourneau University
Post Office Box 7001
2100 South Mobberly Avenue
Longview, Texas  75607-7001
Office:   Heath-Hardwick Hall 115
Phone:    903-233-3312
Fax:      903-233-3246
Homepage: http://www.letu.edu/people/rodhetzel

-----Original Message-----
From: David Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 11:30 AM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences
Subject: Re: non-mainstream courses


I taught "Intro Psyc through Science Fiction" a couple of times.  I had 
several SciFi short
stories to address each of the chapter themes found in a typical intro 
psyc text.  The enrollment
was disappointing and the students couldn't step away from the specific 
story lines to discuss
larger psychological issues about human nature.  I finally gave up.

A more successful non-mainstream course has been environmental 
psychology.  I am teaching
this with a heavy dose of "wilderness psychology" included.  You might 
check my syllabus at
http://www.humboldt.edu/~campbell/p405.htm for ideas.


Rick Stevens wrote:

>I was wondering what Tipsters were teaching beyond the core courses.  
>For instance, classes in parapsychology (even if it is a way to 
>disguise a course in critical thinking), forensic psychology, or 
>perhaps psychology in film (making that the entire emphasis).  I once 
>saw a book that took a 'psychology through science fiction' approach, 
>although I was not particularly enamored with it.  In a recent faculty 
>meeting it was suggested that we might want to consider some courses 
>that would draw non-majors, so applied courses and edutainment courses 
>are what come to mind for me.  I thought that people on TIPS might have
>already had some experience in this.
>__ Rick Stevens
>__ Psychology Department
>__ University of Louisiana at Monroe
>__ http://www.ulm.edu/~stevens
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David E. Campbell, Ph.D.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Psychology        Phone: 707-826-3721
Humboldt State University       FAX:   707-826-4993
Arcata, CA  95521-8299          www.humboldt.edu/~campbell/psyc.htm

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