I periodically teach a 200 level elective, special topics class on the
Psychology of Paranormal Experiences which is partly a class on critical
thinking and partly a way to reinforce basic findings and principles covered
in General Psychology.  I am going to be teaching our Career Development in
psych class next fall and would be interested in resources/comments
regarding others' experiences.  Finally, I am toying with the idea of a
class in Forensic psych as a fun special topics class and am also interested
in ideas--especially exercises, field trips, invited guests, etc.  The
students attracted to this class may especially need to hone their critical
thinking skills.  What is the attraction of psych students to prisoners
anyway?!  Ooops, I am possessed by Mike Sylvester ;-)
        Gary Peterson

Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710

> I was wondering what Tipsters were teaching beyond the core
> courses.  For instance, classes in parapsychology (even if it is
> a way to disguise a course in critical thinking), forensic
> psychology, or perhaps psychology in film (making that the entire
> emphasis).  I once saw a book that took a 'psychology through
> science fiction' approach, although I was not particularly
> enamored with it.  In a recent faculty meeting it was suggested
> that we might want to consider some courses that would draw
> non-majors, so applied courses and edutainment courses are what
> come to mind for me.  I thought that people on TIPS might have
> already had some experience in this.
> --
> __ Rick Stevens
> __ Psychology Department
> __ University of Louisiana at Monroe
> __ http://www.ulm.edu/~stevens
> ---
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