> > students who are polarized may over or under-emphasize design flaws,

> David Epstein:
> Sincere question: what are the criteria for over- or underemphasis of
> design flaws?

Jim Guinee:
I've not considered that enough to sufficiently answer the question,
though it's a good one.

> David Epstein:
> I recall that your original post described the study as
> "well-designed."  Since then, a few TIPSters have pointed out what
> sound like serious barriers to interpretation.  Now, how do we
> determine who's over- or underemphasizing what?

Jim Guinee:
First we should make sure you read me correctly.

Here is my original post, word for word: "I would be interested in
comments/critiques on this study. When I present a research study in
class, I like to find something that is methodologically sound, but tinged
with controversy to see if those polarized on the issue overlook
methodological problems or skewer them."

Nowhere did I call the study "well-designed."

I said it was "methodologically sound." In my view, its flaws are not
extremely obvious, they require more digging.

Nuff said

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