---- Original Message ----
To: tips@acsun.frostburg.edu
Subject: RE: [tips] Re: Marriage as a cure for domestic violence
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 07:41:29 -0500

>>And they're at it again, cause jumping from correlations. This time
>>seems to be that cannibis causes schizophrenia. See 
>Is it possible that a 'vulnerable person' who has not been diagnosed 
>with schizophrenia is already having some symptoms and that these 
>symptoms cause the person to be more likely to use cannabis?  
>Schizophrenia is known for making people feel unhappy and cannabis is
>known for making people feel happy.  Also, physiology isn't my strong
>point.  Are there physiological reasons to think that cannabis use
>cause a vulnerable person to succumb to schizophrenia when this
>would not otherwise have had problems?  Having a physiological
>might provide support for the interpretation that cannabis causes 
>-- Rick Stevens 
>-- Psychology Department
>-- University of Louisiana at Monroe

didn't you see Reefer Madness?

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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