On 3 Apr 2008 at 8:54, beth benoit wrote:

> I recall that Stephen Black provided his usual thorough addressing of
> this matter a few years ago, pointing out that the 8 glasses idea was
> not based on anything science had shown. Stephen, any chance you still
> have that post? 

It's true, and I'm tickled that Beth remembered (can I try out my 
Britspeak and say I'm chuffed?).

My posts about the curious habit of students clutching their bottles of 
water as they enter class go back a long way. Here's an excerpt from a 
somewhat later post of mine:

Re: It really is 8 glasses a day!

Stephen Black
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 14:52:51 -0700

On 4 Oct 2002, Rick Froman wrote:

> From the American Journal of Epidemiology (May 2002):
> "Water, Other Fluids, and Fatal Coronary Heart Disease 
> The Adventist Health Study 

I've long maintained that the 8 glasses a day advice is a myth with 
no scientific basis, an opinion recently confirmed in a review by 
Valtin in the American Journal of Physiology. And now along comes Dr. 
Chan and says it's true after all. But there is reason for caution.

Her study is, once again, correlational. She makes the appropriate 
disclaiming noises in her paper, but has been less cautious in her 
correspondence with me and, I think, also in interviews. She really 
thinks it's causal, and is quite enthusiastic about her work, which 
has received a quite impressive degree of publicity....

[I go on to deconstruct her pro-water report, which apparently no one 
still remembers]. 

There was also, BTW, a report last year in the British Medical Journal 
(Vreeman, R., & Carroll, A. (2007). Medical myths. BMJ, 335, 1288-1289) 
which also debunked the 8 glasses, and which we discussed at the time. So 
it must have been a slow day for news. I guess we're getting tired of 
hearing about Hillary's latest lie.


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.          
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University      e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

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