You may well be correct -- any lawyers in the audience?

On Feb 19, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Shearon, Tim wrote:

Paul- You said: "And since plagiarism is a legal construct, does the author sue herself?"

Paul- I do not think that is correct (but would welcome correction). Plagiarism is a set of standards and agreements within a community not a set of laws protecting intellectual property. That is the issue of copyright with its own set of difficulties and dilemmas. I believe this discussion has confused plagiarism and copyright violation which is often the case- and some of that is due to confusions within the two sets of norms and very unclear boundaries. I think you were correct when you started by pointing out that violating a/the journal's publication rules wasn't the same thing as plagiarism. But I'd add, which isn't the same thing as copyright violation.

Paul Brandon
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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