Helpful links and a reasoned response Stephen.  I'll definitely check out
these links.  Appreciate it.


> On 31 Aug 2009 at 13:41, Michael Britt wrote:
>> In the latest episode of my podcast I interviewed the author of a
>> great parenting book: Raising Children You Can Live With.  Although
>> the author discuss a lot of great ideas regarding how to interact with
>> your child, it seems that my brief thoughts regarding the
>> ineffectiveness
>> of spanking is getting the most response.
> While I personally find spanking a distasteful method of child behaviour
> control, that does not stop me from pointing out that the evidence
> against it on scientific grounds is more equivocal than most people
> realize, the anti-spanking crowd being dominant in academic circles. The
> major problem is that much of the research is correlational, rending
> causal conclusions moot.
> Any even-handed (open, of course) treatment of this issue should include
> mention of the minority position of respected academics such as Diane
> Baumrind and Robert Lazerele that "normative" spanking (which excludes
> child abuse) has not been shown to be harmful to the child, and may in
> some circumstances be helpful. Of course, one is free to take a moral
> position on this issue (as I do), but it should not be justified by
> reference to studies of uncertain scientific merit.
> See, for example
> and
> (bibliographies for Lazerele)
> (Baumrind/Lazerele commentary, Psychological Bulletin, 2002)
> (Baumrind invited address to APA [press release, 2001)
> Stephen
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.
> Professor of Psychology, Emeritus
> Bishop's University      e-mail:
> 2600 College St.
> Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7
> Canada
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Michael Britt, Ph.D.
Host of The Psych Files podcast

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