On 12 Sep 2009 at 9:49, Truhon, Stephen wrote:

> I will be attending a conference in Tartu, Estonia. Does any member
> have a connection to the University of Tartu, especially in
> psychology? Any suggestions of places to visit in Tartu?

I know nothing about Estonia, but I can add something about its neighbour 
Latvia, in case
Stephen plans on a visit there as well. Actually, of course, this justification 
is merely a
transparent ploy to qvell about one of our own who has made good there.

I speak of Dr. Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who until recently was president of 
Latvia. With some
help from Wikipedia, I note that she holds a Ph.D. in experimental psychology 
from McGill
University, my alma mater,  and was professor of psychology at the Universite 
de Montreal
(my home town) before returning to Latvia to take up the presidency.

One of her publications from her experimental period was this:

Lalonde, Robert; Vikis-Frebergs, Vaira (1982). "The effects of chlorpromazine 
and lithium on
appetitive discrimination learning in the rat". Psychopharmacology 76 (3): 

showing that she was a real experimental psychologist, because she worked with 

I believe she was a popular and respected president. She also was in the news 
recently for
being the author of a report to some agency of the European Community or the 
Nations which was praised for its "refreshing" blunt language, as we would 
expect from her
training as an experimental psychologist. Unfortunately, I've been unable to 
turn up a news
report on it on the web.

Perhaps Stephen T. would like to look her up when he arrives in the 

Stephen B.

Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus
Bishop's University
 e-mail:  sbl...@ubishops.ca
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

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