I missed one disturbing part of Mike S's statement here ... namely the phrase "(And I would say just by doing good scientific work.)". This seems to be saying that scientists' jobs are done once they have conducted the research and they have no further responsibilities to the political or wider communities ... i.e., they should mind their own business and stay in the lab. Is Mike S really saying that scientists should NOT respond when false information is publicized? They should NOT comment on global warming, cold fusion, the age of the earth, or any other matter once it is in the public domain? Their job ends in the laboratory and they should just go home and leave the rest to others. Rather perverse view of scientists, many of whom are also educators.

Take care

I have not been following this thread as I should but let me say this about Jim's response.From my experience even though scientists are also educators,I have not found them getting involved to solve the social problems of our times even though their discoveries can be of tremendous help.And I think that is because of a rigid partitioning of roles.I find this especially true of Psychology professors involved in both teaching and research.If we look the tremendous knowledge we have about human behavior we could be using that knowledge to effectuate change.The attitude seems to be " I am paid to teach and do basic research and thats it." BF Skinner was never in the forefront of the Civil Rights movement or the antiwar movement. This lack of involvement is probably a charateristic of the eurocentric model that sees education more in terms of thinking instead of doing.In the 1960s many black professionals and teachers were told that the valuable community service they performed could not be counted towards tenure.The fact is that community service changes the world than teaching a class where the end result is simply awarding grades and the professor just gets a paycheck. The only way sciebtists and psycholists will get involved in the participation of solving our social problems is to institute policies that will dictate that there will be no promotion,no raises.no tenure without continous community service. Publications at times do more for the self-aggrandizement and grandstanding without benefits to society.

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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