Feeling myself dragged in....
Because although I see the value of some of these issues, top me TIPS ought
not be about a judgment of any individual's value, or even their
contributions. Are mine valuable? Are yours? Anyone else's? And it's all
starting to seem like rehash. Michael says something that someone finds
offense with (and I have taken offense on several occasions although not
expressed it, as well as occasionally just rolling my eyes at some of the
issues, questioning their relevance to myself), and the conversation is
off, centering more on Michael (in some cases, occasionally it focuses on
someone else) than the issues he raises. 
Someone said earlier that he doesn't like being treated like he's in jr.
high, requiring antagonism for participation. I resent that, too, and have
contributed less as that feeling has grown. On the other hand, we do need
people to raise issues or what's a listserv for?
I guess my point (and I do have one) is that we spend far too much time
discussing the members of the list rather than the issues. Want to assign
blame. It's all of us... those who say nothing, those who perpetuate such
discussions, and those who are discussed because of potentially offensive
remarks. In a forum like this,. to have value, diverse opinions are
necessary, and debate, even heated, has value. But not when the debate is
about the PERSON.
Shutting up, having been far more offensive than intended...
David W.

At 08:22 AM 6/25/99 -0400, Louis_Schmier wrote:
>On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, David Wasieleski, Ph.D. wrote:
>> I have stayed out of this debate, in part because I tend to lurk often on
>> TIPS and in part because I see it as counterproductive to spend so much
>> time conversing about the value of any one member's posts. 
>Dave, why?
>Make it a good day.
>                                                       --Louis--
>Louis Schmier                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Department of History             http://www.halcyon.com/arborhts/louis.html 
>Valdosta State University
>Valdosta, GA  31698                           /~\        /\ /\
>912-333-5947                       /^\      /     \    /  /~\  \   /~\__/\
>                                 /     \__/         \/  /  /\ /~\/         \
>                          /\/\-/ /^\_____\____________/__/_______/^\
>                        -_~    /  "If you want to climb mountains,   \ /^\
>                         _ _ /      don't practice on mole hills" -    \____
David Wasieleski, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698

"Sometimes I think life is justa  rodeo.
The trick is to ride and make it to the bell..."
        --John Fogerty
          "Rock and Roll Girls"

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