On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, John W. Nichols, M.A. wrote:

> I can understand students having problems accepting the anti-punishment
> position -- at least, initially.  What I cannot understand is how
> someone can get to the position of Instructor/Professor of psychology
> without having a full understanding and full knowledge of the
> behavioristic position against punishment.
> Nor can I understand why anyone could not imagine that there are
> alternatives to spanking other than "letting them get away with it". 
 > Discipline=Whacking??  Of course, with sites like
>  (click on "spanking), what chance do we have? 
> When it comes to authority, even Skinner doesn't begin to measure up to
> God.

   Come on! I understand the behaviorist position against punishment.
            But do I have to subscribe to it? 
            Is there a problem with external validity as it is applied
            across different cultural groups?
            And while on this topic,didn't Lovaas(sp) find that mild
            electric shock brought behavioral changes in autistic kids?

Michael Sylvester
Daytona Beach,Florida

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