If the university president was fishing for ways to make students happier,
without compromising academic integrity, I would say great!  (Of course, that
qualifier is the part that university presidents and other politicians have
trouble comprehending.)


Richard Pisacreta wrote:

> Tipsters:
>    What do you think of a university president who surveys students with the
> following message.
> "One of my goals as president is to make the university more customer
> friendly. ______ University exists for the purpose of helping you succeed in
> life. (read that as get a job). Please take the time to complete this
> customer satisfaction survey. It is patterned after surveys done for
> businesses interested in meeting and exceeding customer expectations.
> Results will be used to prioritize efforts to improve the university."

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* Mike Scoles                       *    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* Department of Psychology          *    voice: (501) 450-5418  *
* University of Central Arkansas    *    fax:   (501) 450-5424  *
* Conway, AR    72035-0001          *                           *

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