>   What do you think of a university president who surveys students with the
>following message.
>"One of my goals as president is to make the university more customer
>friendly. ______ University exists for the purpose of helping you succeed in
>life. (read that as get a job). Please take the time to complete this
>customer satisfaction survey. It is patterned after surveys done for
>businesses interested in meeting and exceeding customer expectations.
>Results will be used to prioritize efforts to improve the university."
>Rip Pisacreta
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

If it is a public institution and the purpose is to gather information
about satisfaction with the education students are receiving, he/she might
better survey the taxpayers of the State since they are the real folks you
are serving.  If he/she is simply trying to gather information about
satisfaction with student service units (e.g., campus bookstore, registrar,
financial aid office, housing, health services, etc.) then it may not be a
bad idea at all.  When you start to see "Wal-Mart type greeters" at your
campus entrances, then you might begin to worry.
George Goedel

George Goedel
Professor & Chairperson
Department of Psychology
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Hts., KY  41099-2000
(606) 572-5574

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