Richard Pisacreta wrote:

>    What do you think of a university president who surveys
> students with the following message.
> "One of my goals as president is to make the university more customer
> friendly. ______ University exists for the purpose of helping
> you succeed in life. (read that as get a job). Please take the time to
complete this
> customer satisfaction survey. It is patterned after surveys done for
> businesses interested in meeting and exceeding customer expectations.
> Results will be used to prioritize efforts to improve the university."

        I would think that he was either very new to the field of higher education,
or completely out of touch with his faculty. Perhaps completely out of touch
with his faculties, as well.   :)

        We just did a student satisfaction survey, and I thought it was done in a
manner that was very sensitive to the fact that we are an institution of
higher education rather than a mere business (trust me, I'd be whining if it

Paul Smith
Alverno College

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