I suggest the never ending controversy over what intelligence is, how to 
measure it (only psych can say we don't have a consensus on what it is, but 
here are five tests to measure it)
How much of it is nature and how much nurture.
The controversies over the insanity defense, psychosurgery, drugs as a cure, 
perscription privileges for psychologists works for me.


Rip Pisacreta, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology,
Ferris State University
Big Rapids, MI 49307

>From: Marie Helweg-Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Current controversies in psychology
>Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 16:18:09 -0500
>Hi Tipsters
>I would like to compile a list of current hot controversies in the field
>of psychology.  I can think of a couple (Harris' argument about the
>little influence parents have on their kids; the best explanation of
>gender differences) but would like to have a more complete list for my
>senior seminar students.
>Marie Helweg-Larsen, Ph.D.
>Assistant Professor of Psychology
>Transylvania University
>300 North Broadway
>Lexington, KY 40508-1797
>Office: (859) 281-3656
>Web page: http://www.transy.edu/homepages/mhelweglarsen/index2.html

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