I don't think Lovaas had a stunning ego whatsoever. Someone on this listserv had mentioned the rather odd fact that the NYT's had delayed their obituary of Lovaas for three days. I suspect they wanted their /fact checkers/ to make sure this guy was as accomplished and productive in his work with autistic children as had been claimed--as behavioral strategies are so frequently misunderstood and unjustly maligned.. Now Beth, consider a Hitler type personality who at the age of 4 is reinforced only for prosocial behavior and given extinction for all anti-social behavior? Could that not have altered the impact of his abusive childhood? As some of you might be aware, Hitler was beaten on a regular basis by his father , and some sources claim on a daily basis, sources below. As a relevant tangent, do any of you recall that a production of Hitler's life was planned for HBO or PBS but was canceled as it provided some objective information about his abusive childhood. I guess many folks prefer to believe the "bad seed" theory as opposed to the influence of violence in a child's early years. Please do check out the sources provided below as my guess is that many of you are not aware of Hitler's brutal childhood.



Joan Warmbold Boggs

Beth Benoit wrote:

I just finished reading another obituary for O. Ivar Lovaas, which ended with this astounding statement:

To the end of his career, Dr. Lovaas was adamant that applied behavior analysis was supremely useful in childhood interventions of all kinds.

“If I had gotten Hitler here at U.C.L.A. at the age of 4 or 5,” he told Los Angeles magazine in 2004, “I could have raised him to be a nice person.”


I don't know whether this is a result of a stunning ego, underappreciation on my part, or maybe he was misquoted, like Freud in his statement about the Nazis. What think you?

Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University

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