Joan Warmbold asks:
>Has there ever been a non-psychologist scholar who
>has challenged Freud's theories?

As is implied in Joan's question, there have been many eminent 
psychologists who have challenged psychoanalysis from its inception, 
e.g, Pierre Janet made perspicacious observations on Freud's 
methodology in public debates, and in the 1930s William McDougall 
published devastating critiques of major parts of Freudian theory. 
(Psychoanalysts largely ignored specific criticisms and blithely went 
on repeating their contentions as if they had never been rebutted. 
Freud's attitude was spelled out in his "History of the Psychoanalytic 
Movement" [1914}: "I knew very well how to account for the behaviour of 
my opponents... I made up my mind not to answer my opponents, and so 
far as my influence went, to restrain others from polemics.")

To rescue the reputation of philosophers in regard to Freud ( :-) ): 
Sidney Hook, Ernest Nagel, Michael Scriven, Adolf Grünbaum, among 
others, presented penetrating critiques of different aspects of 
psychoanalysis at a conference organised by the New York University 
Institute of Philosophy for eminent philosophers and psychoanalysts, 
plus a few psychologists and psychiatrists. The contributions were 
published in *Psychoanalysis, Scientific Method, and Philosophy*, ed. 
S. Hook (1959). Another philosopher, Frank Cioffi, started publishing 
similarly penetrating critiques of Freud's writings in the 1970s 
(reprinted in *Freud and the Question of Pseudoscience*, 1998).

The philosopher and social anthropologist Ernest Gellner published an 
analysis of psychoanalytic ideas in *The Psychoanalytic Movement: Or 
The Coming of Unreason* (1985), a book both devastating in its logic 
and wickedly amusing in its presentation. (Sample of chapter titles: 
"Transference (Greater Love Has No Man)", "Psycho-hydraulics", "A 
Cunning Bastard", "The Trickster", "Freud and the Art of Daemon 
Maintenance" and "La Therapie Imaginaire" – highly recommended!)

Finally: Ludwig Wittgenstein, while ambiguous in his attitude towards 
Freud, made the illuminating comment: "I, too, was greatly impressed 
when I first read Freud. He's extraordinary – of course he is full of 
fishy thinking and his charm and the charm of his subject is so great 
that you may easily be fooled…" (But following more such comments, he 
added: "All this, of course, doesn't detract from Freud's extraordinary 
scientific achievement" – a view that few of the philosophers at the 
above-cited NYU seminar would have endorsed.)

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

From:Joan Warmbold <>
Subject:        Re: Freud and intellectuals
Date:   Tue, 12 Oct 2010 19:06:17 -0500

I've noted this phenomena also Allen and my hypothesis has been that it
was the esoteric, complex and inaccessible nature of Freud's theories
that appealed to intellectuals.  Ironically, I suspect that
intellectuals are more easily seduced by the style of his
presentation--i.e., degree of eloquence and complexity that prevented
them from perceiving the underlying use of "rhetorical strategies."
I've also noted that, in general, east coast intellectual publications,
as per the New Yorker, still appear to be enthralled with Freud's.   
there ever been a non-psychologist scholar who has challenged Freud's


From:   Christopher D. Green <>
Subject:        Re: Freud and intellectuals
Date:   Tue, 12 Oct 2010 20:48:41 -0400
Joan Warmbold wrote:
Has there ever been a non-psychologist scholar who has challenged 
Freud's theories?

Well, there's Allen. :-)

Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

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