You may have seen, recently, that it has become a kind of informal method for 
discovering popular social trends to enter the beginning of a sentence into a 
Google search box and see how the engine completes the expression. The idea is 
that Google will come up with the most likely completions based on its 
"knowledge" of what people generally intend when they start a search expression.

This method was used very effectively in an ad campaign by UN Women a few weeks 
ago when they entered phrases like "women should" and "women need to" and got 
horrible completions like "stay at home," "be slaves," and "be in the kitchen." 
Here's a Guardian article about that experiment.

So, I decided to try the same thing with "psychology is". You should give it 
whirl. I don't think you'll find the results to be all that surprising, but 
they are a bit disheartening nevertheless.

Christopher D Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M6C 1G4
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