In a message dated 10/7/2005 4:10:56 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Maybe they feel guilty that they are OK? Maybe they love you so much they can not stand too see you in pain? Maybe because you seem quieter they are worried about saying or doing the wrong thing…………………… partner has TM not me ………………………….can you tell?

I know it’s the pitts for you but it’s not easy for those around you either, so we all need to try and be a bit more understanding, and those that don’t have TM that are around it can be very affected by it too!


Not sure if that helps or just makes you angry! (It’s just how I see it from my perspective)




Sally in the UK!

Hi Sally,
There is nothing that well versed, from the heart information that would make me angry.  I asked the question in the first place and my heart is breaking for an answer that I can understand and give credence to.
I have lost both of my parents and both siblings leaving me the last person in my immediate family.  All I have are my nieces and nephew and their families.  We had been very close until I became paraplegic.  I know that if this disease had taken one of them I would never have left them to their own devices.
I have taken under consideration all of the excuses people have offered and that I can think of, but none seems like it is good enough to warrant desertion of a loved one. 
Thank you so much for sending me some thoughts to ponder.  I feel that you, as a caretaker, have a unique viewpoint to consider.  Best of everything to you and your family.



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