Hi Karen,
Welcome.  You've contacted a great bunch of people. 
At two years post TM I still have pain that is "tolerable" with the use of 
Neurontin and Baclofen.  I've also been reminded by another TMer that some OTC 
meds come in handy for the pains that are caused by age or weather  Aleve is my 
favorite OTC med.  You may find that increases in physical activity cause an 
increase in pain, however, movement and stretching are important and physical 
therapy is  helpful.  The fatigue has lessened over time for me, my naps are 
shorter and less frequent, but I still need to rest, relax, and sit. 
It's good to read that you call yours a mild case.  I wish you continued 
Patti   Michigan - where the cold is painful.      
Karen Doyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I am newly diagnosed with TM; had the typical "girdling" symptom at
> onset.  Received Solumedrol/prednisone course.  Two months "out", I have
> constant myelopathy (burning, painful skin tenderness) in both thighs
> and intermittent symptoms aggravated by sitting:  I get substantial pain
> across my lower lumbar area and down my legs and my legs get extremely
> "heavy".  My gait is somewhat compromised when these symptoms present.
> I am also more fatigued than pre-TM... Are these common TM complaints?
> I am thankful that these are my only residual symptoms but I am hoping
> for more improvement.  But I am wondering if there's anything I can do
> to HELP them improve...like supplements (omega-3 fish oil, Neurosol) or
> exercise???
> I would appreciate any thoughts...
> Karen

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