Feb. 7th was my 4th year anniversary of having TM... I have come a long way 
from that night from "hell" when no-one could figure out exactly what was wrong 
with me... Finally, it was decided TM was the diagnosis. Johns Hopkins agreed 
with this diagnosis.I take 600mg of neurontin 4 times a day... tho am never 
without pain.. I now walk with a walker, have hand controls on my car and with 
my faith and family have adjusted to my new life style. Due to Medicare I had 
to switch all my doctors. A Neurologist was highly recommened as one of the 
best in the area. Long story short...after all new MRI's etc... etc.. he 
informed me that without a doubt I have Multiple Sclerosis. I am still in shock 
and not sure what is my next step. I have made an appointment with another 
"top" neurologist in the D.C area..  I have 5 lesions on  my brain which 
supposedly indicate MS. I am 59 years old. Also my brother -55- was just 
diagnosed with underlying MS.... 
Any thoughts, suggestions would be greatly, greatly accepted... Anyone of you 
with TM have lesions on the brain????
Thanks so much!
Marie Arthur

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