In a message dated 2/13/2006 1:07:45 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Since the end of January, I seem to have been losing ground.  I can still walk, though I use a cane more often.  I probably actually have more strength, but my energy (when I have it) doesn't last long, and I often feel week and really dizzy, even when I'm sitting.  Something doesn't feel right, but it's kind of vague. 
I don't have any real pain - just the soreness under my rib cage and the irritating tingling and burning in my legs/feet - I can handle that.  Compared to many of your challenges, a little dizziness is nothing.  But  I'm concerned that I need to get back to work before too long, and I can't imagine working even 4 hours/day, the way I'm feeling.  If I have an appointment, or have to get groceries, etc., it's about all I can do in one day!  And I try to schedule things every other day, so I'm not totally wiped out.  Is this typical, or just me?  (The latter isn't new - just the dizziness is new.)
When the weakness/dizziness hits me, I have to lay down to feel better, even though perhaps just 15 minutes  before, I may have felt fairly normal.  The only meds I take is OTC Senna S.  In the hospital (9 mos ago) they started me with 6/day.  I've managed to get down to 3/day, but am wondering if taking it for so long might be affecting me this way. 
Anyone have any experience with this feeling, or with Senna S, or have any suggestions?
Have you been checked for inner ear problems?  I don't believe that the dizziness has anything to do with a dx of TM.  No one else has complained of it. \
You probably need the senna for your bowel program.  Call the pharmacist and ask what the salt content is and if it has the capacity to lower your blood pressure.  That can cause you to be dizzy and weak too.
Best of everything,

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