> same muscles control both

Mnnn. No, not really.  Control for each comes from the brain and the sacral spinal cord. The muscles are quite separate. Even f the bladder, for example, the detrusor muscles [the push the urine out muscles] are separate from the bladder sphincter muscles that won't let it out. My personal problem is that both sets of muscles spastically contract at the same time - the bladder tries to empty so badly it hurts while the sphincter blocks all but a teaspoon [detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia].  Because of this I wear a Foley.

A Google search for neurogenic bladder yields
http://www.emedicine.com/MED/topic3176.htm                  read it. 

A Google search for          nerves autonomic "bowel incontinence"       yields
http://www.emedicine.com/pmr/topic230.htm                      read it.

Alton, who has little trouble with his tail

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