Title: AOL Email
You know...with me it was like a huge electrical storm was going on back and forth from my brain to my spine.  I never realized how much electricity we carry around in our bodies.  I think that it's much more than people know.
Every time my heart beat I saw red lightning bolts flash out of my eyes.  It was so strange and extremely violent.  Any similar experiences out there?
Frank, what do they teach docs about the electricity in our bodies?  What do you think about the stroke Vs virus debate?  Did you have any idea what was happening to you when your TM hit?
It took several days for the docs in Ohio to figure out what was going on with me.  I don't even know what the initial treatment was.  Have no idea what meds were given.  All I know is that they never pushed PT or tried to get me to walk.  I felt like a lost cause and still do sometimes.
They almost killed me by giving me a pain killer called Nubane when I was wearing Fentanyl patches.  I had a horrible reaction.  Sounded like a sailor in the ER.  I was screaming for them to get it out of me.  That experience was almost worse than the TM onset...but not quite.
Thanks for letting me go on and on...I forgot where I was.
Peace, Prayers and Hugs,

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