Hello Mark,
How sorry I am to welcome you to the TM Internet  Club, but how glad I am 
that you have found us, and we, you.  TM is  one terrible disease that has many 
diverse effects and is better in some  than others.  There are as many forms of 
medications as there are  forms of the illness.  I shouldn't say forms of 
illness, but rather  degrees of it.  Some of us are hit harder than others, but 
virtually  all of us are left with "reminders" that we have been visited by  
Transverse Myelitis.
You are so fortunate to be being seen by the  formost medical center for TM 
in the country.  Johns Hopkins is the  first hospital affiliated with the 
disease and it is renown for its  medical responsiveness.  Dr. Kerr, et al. the 
best at what they  do.
Keep us informed as to what they find and  prescribe for your symptoms.  Best 
of everything to you and your  family.  Keep your chin up although sometimes 
it is difficult.   Stay brave, and you will stay in our Prayers.  There is 
much I would  like to say but am not up to it at the moment.  Just know that we 
are  here for you and you will sometimes here more from us than at  others.
Bless You,

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