Dear Sally,
  Being a caregiver is one of the hardest jobs you will have in your life.  
Being a caregiver for a husband makes it even harder.  
  Do something for yourself today...even if it is only for a few minutes.  Have 
a piece of chocolate, watch the leaves blowing in the wind, what works best for 
me is to get to some water and just watch it.  Whether it is the ocean(my 
favorite), a river, small stream and even a fountain.  Just picture your 
frustrations, burdens and problems flowing away.  I know this might sound 
crazy, but it really does help me.
  Let us know how you are doing!
  You will be in my prayers today...Jenna

Sally Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                Hi Guys
  I really need to run something by you please. My husband who you may remember 
got TM in Dec 2000, and who can walk with a stick, got TM from a flu jab we are 
sure. He went to the Doc’s on Thursday and the nurse in the surgery said he 
should have a jab for pneumonia. He ran that past the Doctor who said “I don’t 
see why 
 So he had it done there and then. He then told me he’d had it done.
  How could anyone be so incredibly stupid?
  Why would he tell me? And how can I work through this?
  I have not lost my health to TM but I have lost a lot of my husband to TM. My 
life has been devastated by TM too.
  As you can tell I’m very hurt, angry and frightened. You can also get 
horrific side effects from this 2nd jab so I am terrified for his health and 
wondering how our marriage can carry on if he suffers no adverse side effects 
or further disability as he has been so stupid and did not even discuss it with 
me 1st. I do know this though I will run as far and as fast as I can if 
something else happens to him coz as far as I’m concerned its self inflicted 
this time.
  I would really welcome your thoughts and comments…………………….especially if you 
can shed any light on wot might of motivated him to have this jab, and then to 
tell me?
  I have been awake crying since 4am and now I’m at work I keep getting upset 
again. Sorry to come to the list with all of this but my other friends do not 
quite understand the implications here!
  Sally in the UK
  Sally Wilkinson
  Business Development Manager
  Genesis Design
  The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS
  +44(0)1491 682277

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