Hello Trudy (and Sally), 
Your comments to Sally were very good, and also what I was thinking.   I am 
the one with TM and  I am not always fun to live  with.  I know my husband gets 
very irritated that TM came into our  lives and changed it so much.  It has 
destroyed many of our dreams, but we  still try to have a full life and do what 
we can together.  Life has to go  on........
This past weekend was horrible for me, as I had one of my worst weekends of  
pain that I've had.  I was awake both nights moaning and groaning, and  trying 
to keep from screaming.   I generally separate myself  when this occurs and 
go into another room so he can sleep.  Unfortunately,  it stopped, then started 
up again, so I was with him.  I hate for anyone to  see me suffering like 
that, it's not an easy thing to watch somebody spasm  uncontrollably and not be 
able to control their pain.  I always leave  the room when it happens. I then 
am in bed till 11am or noon to  try to at least get some sleep. 
I am so fortunate that this generally only gets really bad for  me a few 
times per month, and only late at night.  When it happens I  always think of 
people that have it so much worse than me and have  to deal with this on a 
regular basis. How they must have so much  trouble handling the pain and mental 
anguish.  It is totally  draining.
So he watches me, and tries to get it out of his mind and sleep.  I  know 
it's not out of his mind.  TM has changed our lives!  He feels so  helpless 
this happens, and all he can do is get me something to try to make  me more 
comfortable.  He tries!!!!  And I love him for staying with me  and trying to 
make our lives as much of we had dreamed of as he can.   He tells me that he 
married me for better or worse, in sickness and health, and  I'd do the same 
him.  And, I would.  
There are so many things that I cannot do anymore that I have to count on  
him for now.  For the first 28 yrs of our marriage while we were raising  our 
children he didn't help with the housework or cooking at all, but now  has 
stepped up when necessary.  Sometimes I tease him and tell him it's his  
Everyone hang in there, we are all in this together.
Hugs to all, Barbara A in cold Auburn, CA

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