Westgold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Hi -- I tried to post my email about the 
foot cramps to the whole list, but 
I got Access Denied again. I don't know why I get it sometimes. Would you 
mind forwarding that letter to the group for me if you think it's valuable? 
Thanks, Michelle 

Note: forwarded message attached.
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--- Begin Message ---
Hi Randy -- I was so sad to read about your pain.  My friend with TM also has 
terrible pains. I would give anything if I could help!

But I might be able to help you with the foot cramping.  I also started having 
foot cramps in high school, and they were so bad.  Just my right foot, I would 
have to put my other foot on top of it and press real hard, and eventually it 
would go away.  It got so bad that my mom took me to a Dr for it (this was the 
mid 60s).  It turned out to be a low level of magnesium in my body.  I started 
taking magnesium pills, and it completely went away in just a short while.  in 
1970 I started taking all kinds of supplements, and continue to this day.  The 
foot cramps came back last year, and I realized I had been neglecting taking 
all my magnesium, so I make sure I never miss a dose now. I get 500 mg in my 
multi-mineral supplement, and take an additional 500 in the morning and 500 at 
night.  I know that many doctors tell people with TM not to take any 
supplements, but I also know that many of you do anyway.  You can ask your dr 
about extra magnesium (one of the things it does is relaxes us all over, 
including our muscles.. Calcium also does this.). I use the Multi-Mega Mineral 
formula from puritan.com, it's the best multi-mineral I've ever found , altho 
for some reason it doesn't contain selenium.  I am a BIG believer in 
supplements -- Unless there are some real contraindications because of other 
meds you are on, taking vitamins & minerals should help.  But best ask your 
doctor first to make sure there aren't any conflicts with your other meds.    
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: randy rankin 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 10:37 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] When should one get meds for banding pain?

  I was diagnoses with TM and with MS in May 2005. (The traditional events - 
paralyzed below the waste, the strange pains etc, loose of bladder and lower GI 
control - but the meds in the hospital got me back on track). The MS diagnoses 
was removed after several testing.I was officially diagnosed with TM last April 
2006. The prior year, I was diagnosed 

  I have many questions but I'll just bring up one at a time.

  The question is - What can be done about banding problems? Should I see 
another doctor and get medication? My current neurologist has really helped me 
- he got me walking again, kept me from full time catheter ect. He doesn't 
believe that anything can be done about the banding. His only comment is that 
it is just another symptom. 

  I have "banding" problems, if these is the correct term (I'm learning about 
all these new terms). I have electrical shocks in the left side of my chest 
that run like a single line. It feels like a electric cow prod being stuck to 
my chest. Sometimes, it just hurts enough to take away my ability to talk. 
Sometimes it hurts enough to knock me (literally) to my knees in pain. I have 
nightmares sometimes - dreaming that I'm covering with stinging insects and I 
wake up (and wake up anyone else in the house) screaming at the top of my lungs.

  I have had this banding problem for almost ten years now. I had an auto 
accident in 2001 and doctors say that is what is causing the pain. But I had 
the pain BEFORE the accident. Other doctors say that I pulled a muscle in my 
chest and that is causing the pain. 

  In 2004, the pain was so great that I went to a heart doctor in Birmingham, 
AL. The doctor's thought that the symptoms were sig. enough to run some test. I 
had a full blown cardiovascular check up - the works, the nuc. test, EKG, 
stress u name it, I had it. The test showed that my heart was just as good as 
"a four-year old's" and that my circulatory systems was better than average 
(except a little cholesterol). 

  My present neurologist says that the pain is coming from the TM but that 
diagnoses is based on my 2005 official first diagnoses of TM.

  I also get the electric pains in my back, inside my lower GI, and rarely but 
occasionally across my abdomen. 

  I also get these muscle spasms that hurt like hell and I have to physically 
pull at my muscles with my hands to get the muscles to stop contracting. I get 
these in my right foot, the back of my right leg and more often in my abdomen. 

  I have been having these muscle spasms since my mid-teens and they come and 
go in sessions. I will go for months and sometimes years without them and then 
they return for several weeks and then go away. 

  It is embarrassing when the banding comes in public and I drop to my knees 
and scream in pain. People think that I'm crazy and at work, in the past, I 
have had employers document in writing that it interferes with my ability to 
teach and students ability to learn. 

  My second question is ... 

  I'm not disabled, and don't want to be, and since the 1973 law and its 
amendments don't deal directly with my situation, what can I do to protect 
myself from future employers abuse? 

  Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

--- End Message ---

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