Has anyone woken up at night with a numb hand? 
Twice in the last week, I've woken up during the night with my left hand numb.  
The first time I just chalked it off as being b/c I'd fallen asleep laying on 
my back on an ice pack for a couple of hours.  But when it happened again last 
night, I got a little more concerned.  Part of what makes me more concerned is 
that for the last couple of weeks, my upper spine has been feeling a bit weird. 
 My TM lesion is T6 - T8, but now I'm starting to worry about something higher 
in my back.
Now that I think about it, when I was jumping (lightly) on the little 
trampoline at PT, I felt this funny feeling in my upper spine (like maybe it 
was sort of jamming together).  Then at water exercise, I've started 
participating in the jumping jacks that sort of does the same thing to my upper 
spine.  Of course, it's not like jumping on the ground b/c the water cushions 
the movement, but maybe my body isn't ready for this.
Any experiences with these kinds of things?  

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