My problem is that when I have my feet up on the ottoman and someone wearing 
shorts or a lab coat come up and rubbing the edge of the cloth my toes.  It 
will send a shock up my leg and making my foot spasm.  Then want to know why 
I'm afraid of people coming up to me.  
  Todd in CC, TX

Gillian Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Sally it's hypersensitivity to touch, or things that hurt that shouldn't 
and vice versa.  pHranque will probably give you a much more medical 
description though.     If you stuck a pin in me, I might not feel it but if 
you rubbed a cotton wool ball over me ever so gently it would cause unbearable 
pain, which is why my clothes hurt me so much.  Going nude isn't an option 
either because a bit of a breeze, a splash of water, an   animal rubbing past, 
all creators of bloody pain.
  The pain itself is the freeze/burn that you would have heard us speak of 
    I've looked up 'allodynia', but still don't really understand it.  I've 
never heard of it before, and now 3 of you have just mentioned it.  Can you 
give me an example of how it works?

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