Please Jill and All,
I have tried to convey how much respect I have for Bob and his  wife and the 
huge amount of knowledge and compassion both convey to everyone on  this list. 
 He is and always has been one of my favorite people and I hope  that I have 
told him that many times in private emails.
What I was asking was about the amount of confusion that new  people dx with  
TM have when we discuss the two diseases and medications  and such at the 
same time.  I know that I was confused for a couple of  years and still am at 
times.  I get email from new people asking me  questions all of the time, 
especially when they are being discussed on the list  at the same time.
I meant to ask whether or not there was some other way to  separate the 
information for new persons because it's so much to digest at  once.  It is so 
confusing anyway, to get dx with TM or MS.
Please understand that I meant nothing bad towards anyone...I  love you all 
and find that each one of you have given me something that has  helped me to 
get through the days and nights.  I realize that my  question/comment came out 
wrong and I don't know how to fix it any more.  I  have publically and 
privatetly apologised many times...
I seem to get into trouble way more than anyone else on the  list?  I  don't 
know why.  It's not because I want to.  Why  don't you all take a vote and 
decide whether or not you would like to see me  leave this list and I will do 
although I do not want to as I believe I have  made many friends..  I was 
only asking for the sake of confusion, not to  make anyone sound bad or wrong 
Please make your decisions known to Diane Capen and I will  leave it up to 
her to let me know what the majority prefers.
Peace (please) and Prayers,

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