Dear Kevin.

I empathize!
In an attempt to economize, I gave up paying auto insurance as i haven't driven my car since November 2005. I am living in another city away from home, hoping to get my home made wheelchair accessible. My friends removed my license plates - a reqquirement when you cancel auto insurance.

The next week they called and said that the police had put a warning on my car. My car is in my driveway. My driveway is part of my yard, off the street.....

I had to BEG the police for time to find a solution. My carport was not considered sufficient for an unplated car. So long story short, I have had to reinsure the car I can't drive, since i couldn't find anyplace to "hide" it.

Telling them that I am a paraplegic in a wheelchair only yeilded another week's grace. I called my alderman to assist --- his advice was call the police again. My frineds had also visited the police in this town of 10,000, but they wouldn't promise to extend the time.

Two weeks later, i got a clipping from the local newspaper saying the alderman was cited in court for not obeying this ordinance--- that all visible cars must have plates.

This is just another of the 1,000 cuts, losses and disappointments sufffered since gettting TM. I rail at the endless negotiating, begging, pleading, wheedling,documentation--- the loss not only of freedom of movement but the burden of having to explain and negotiate when i used to get up and go.

I am so grateful for the good grace of friends there to intervene and assist,but I so wish I didn't need it.
Light and healing,

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