My biggest problem is not paying for the parking, it's that my
car is now parked a block away and I can't walk that far even
with a walker.  I need to be able to park in front of my building
so that I can get to my car and not have to move it every 24 hours.

This is harrassment by the board of my building.  There are many
cars parked on this street for more than 24 hours and they aren't
threatened to be towed.  There are 2 highrise condominium
buildings on this dead-end street.  There is ONE handicap
parking space for approx. 200 condominiums.  Something
is very wrong with this picture.

I tried emailing the Atty. General from his website before
and never got an answer.  I will try calling but I don't
have much confidence in the politicians in my state,
except for one Senator who has helped me before.

Thanks for the suggestion, I appreciate it.



call your state's attorney general's office, and tell them your story.

They should be able to help you.  You shouldn't have to pay for a parking space.

good luck


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