When I asked about renal failure Gunny informed me that renal failure is 
actually a kidney problem. So my medical Ignorance showed up again. I was 
refering to having problems with bowel incontinance. I appoligize for the 
mistake and I hope noone was confused as I was. Sorry, Rick  I made a 
correction in the subject area of this e-mail. I think that is the rectal area 
back there.
> Date: 2007/06/01 Fri PM 05:30:49 EDT
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],  Tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Renal problems
> In response to Rick's topic, Renal Failure, I am not even sure  what it is 
> and what it involves.  I mean I can tell by the name what organs  are 
> affected, 
> what brings renal faiilure about and what can we do to be more  health 
> conscious?
> What I would like to know as well, is there anyone out there  who has to do 
> digital bowel stimulation and removal while lying on one's side in  bed?  
> That 
> is the way that I have to do it and it is gross!  Not to  mention, tiring.
> Peace and Prayers,
> Jude
> "Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet  they 
> produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever"
> 2 Corinthians 4:17
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