Hi Natalie,

I am sorry that your doctors cannot help you. Unfortunately that is my situation also, EXCEPT for the blood pressure medication. And it took me about 3 years to get
the proper combination of BP meds, Vasotec and Metoprolol, to regulate my
I happened to like this doctor until now. I also understand that they are obligated to see patients periodically. But did he have to cut off my medication completely to strong-arm me into making an appointment? All they had to do was call me and tell me he has to see me. I will make an appointment, and use an ambulance to get there probably. My Mother's doctor calls her when he wants to see her, and if she tells them she feels fine, they accept it. They don't just cut off her prescriptions. This is criminal and unconscionable, and I will probably fire this doctor after
I get my medications.

Take care,

Natalie Boyles wrote:
Hi Kevin,
You need to do what I am going to do - stop going to the doctors unless I am dying. And, then, I guess I will not need them. I do not think they can help some of us. Just the way it is. So, I will go only when there is no other option. I will go for thyroid blood test, perhaps a mammogram and if I get so sick I think even a doctor could not do more harm. These are the only reasons.

You need to go to someone and get your blood pressure meds though. Or, maybe they goofed there too and you really do not need them. The doctors almost erroneously put me on them. Thinking about doctors and tests and apptments is bad for ones health. Unless of course the doctors can help. In my case, they evidently cannot.

On 6/18/07, *Kevin Wolfthal* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    I wonder if my doctor would be legally liable if I get sick because I
    couldn't come
    in and he refused to refill my blood pressure medication?

    I think the doctors got together and figured out a way to milk out
    some moe
    of our insurance money.

    In case there's any doubt, I don't trust the medical
    profession.  For those
    who are happy with their doctors, you are very lucky.


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