I take 100mg provigal 2x daily.  Works fairly well but is not a magic potion by any stretch of the word.

Larry in Oklahoma where I guess I am fighting a uti, I feel horrible!

Larry Throne, MSW

To: "TMIC List" <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: [TMIC] fatigue
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 17:17:51 -0400

It is probably too late to be writing this since my neuro appt. is in the morning but I wanted to ask:  has anyone had any type of meds that actually helped with fatigue?
I read on this list from several still talking about their fatigue so I know it is a problem with many as it is me.
I am still working and, as my Dr. says, I am in "limbo" (still o.k. enough to work yet having a hard time doing it but not bad enough for disability). 
 Prescriptions I have tried have only been for spacisity and didn't help with fatigue.
Any ideas I could present to him?
Gary in Michigan (hot weather!)

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