The thing that was mentioned earlier was L-Carnitine.  I've been using it for a 
few weeks, but it's hard to tell since I've got some other things going on 
right now (pain) that is keeping me from being very functional.  But there have 
been a few days when I thought it might be helping.  I had asked my Pharmacist 
(he does 'pain management' for my health plan) about it when someone on the 
TMIC first mentioned it and this is the email he sent me:
"As you know Amantidine is a drug and L-carnitine is a natural supplement. I 
prefer Acetyl-L-Carnitine in that it gets into the brain much better than 
L-carnitine. A good starting dose for Acetyl-L-Carnitine would be 500 mg twice 
a day 30-40 minutes before meals. It is harmless and will not interact with any 
meds you are on. Try, I like the Jarrow brand but NSI is ok." is another cheap place to order name brand supplements from.  
Also, I personally need extra B vitamins in order to have a reasonable amount 
of energy (I use Solgar B-Complex, Stress Formula) - but everyone's different.  
If you're working at all, you're ahead of me!  :)
Good luck,

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