Rosalie, if I read your note correctly, you have some use of your legs. If that is correct, then take the foot rests off your chair and go to it in the kitchen. You WILL get used to working in a sitting position.

One of my hobbies is bread making, and I've been doing it in a wheelchair for ten years. For many years I did my kneading in a large bowl with one hand, the bowl in my lap and being turned with the other hand. I'll admit my wife, standing up and putting some weight to it, can knead better than I.

I move by propelling myself with one hand and using my good leg to steer and provide course correction. That frees the other hand to hold liquids, etc. There are complications. I live in an old farmhouse with hilly, wobbly floors. There is one place in the kitchen where I rarely go - it is too steep. Fortunately, there is nothing stored there, and I can avoid it.


On Jun 26, 2007, at 8:2202 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:to the tmic

Naomi, I was told by one neurologist that it takes a year to to see where you are at and that is probably where you will stay. I am in a wheel chair although I can drag myself around with a walker. I can walk with it but cannot stand on my own so that when I get anywhere in my house I have to sit down. I never was a cook but I do miss puttering in the kitchen. I still cant get used to doing things from a sitting position. Rosalie

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