I have had TM for 10 years. In my case the vast majority of
improvement did take place during the first year. I see Dr Kerr annually
and he always states that I am doing better from year to year. Funny but
I don't feel better since the end of year one, but my body has made
adjustments for my condition and I therefore walk better each year.
However the discomfort, fatigue and a multitude of other problems have
remained fairly constant. New meds such as 4-aminopyridine (potassium
channel blocker) and Lyrica have helped with some of the
banding,numbness and pins and needles, but I do not feel that my body
has regenerated or truly improved since the end of year one. I exercise
regularly and try to keep a positive attitude....but for the most part I
have accepted my condition and assume it will be with me the rest of my
life. I always hold out hope for a medical breaktrough such as stem
cells, but I refuse to put my life (59 years old) on hold waiting for
the cure. I give thanks that I am one of the lucky ones that are still
able to work, walk and live a relatively normal life. For those people
who have made true progress after year one, you have beat the odds and I
hope the trend continues!
Rob in New Jersey 



Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 11:14 AM
To: Trudy ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: RE: [TMIC] improvement


Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 2:25 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] improvement

I just saw an email from someone saying that their doctor told them that
wherever they are in one year is about where they'll stay.

I was hit with TM in May of 2005. At the end of one year, I had an
appointment with a physiatrist. Today - after the end of my second year,
saw the same physiatrist and she said I'd made tremendous improvements
she saw me a year ago (and I have - not that I don't still have a ways
go! :) So obviously, I didn't stay where I was at the end of one year -
Thank Goodness!

I think the literature generally says that it takes two years to reach
maximum healing - whatever that might be. But even then, I've seen
emailsfrom many people saying they made improvements after that, too.

So don't think you can't improve after one year. That is not necessarily
where you're going to stay!

Think positive!


Today I celebratle 9 years with Tm. Its also my wifes birthday and in
one week I turn 58 years young. Rick 


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