I think I probably had the biggest or most dramatic  improvements within the 
first six months, but there has been slow and steady  improvement ever since 
(11 1/2 years later). Just recently I was in charge of a  ladies' luncheon at 
church that, in previous years, knocked me out for the rest  of the weekend, 
but this year I had a bunch of errands to do afterward and  thought I was going 
to "crash" once I ever got still -- I was amazed that the  fatigue levels were 
so much better when that's one thing that has carried on  long-term. However, 
walking around Wal-Mart or the mall does me in -- not only  all the walking, 
but I get really hot in both places, and that just saps my  energy.

Barbara H. 
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com/_ (http://barbarah.wordpress.com/) 

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