Hey Grace, 
  I did the grapevine walk when I was in Aqua Therapy.  Even though I thought 
my PT was NUTS, I was able to do it in the pool.  I haven't even thought about 
trying it on dry land.  LOL
  Keep up the great exercises, girlfriend.
  Peace & Hugs, 
  Todd in CC, TX

"Grace M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I don't think there are any exercises to prevent scissoring.  I used to do 
it while I slept, but since using a pillow between my knees, it's subsided.  
Hey Todd, i have to practice the walking sideways thing, too.  There's two ways 
to do it and I practice both.  One is too simply sidestep with one foot, and 
then step together with the other.  The other way is to sidestep, and then 
cross either in the front or back, for the next step.  I'm really good at it 
now.  Do any of you practice hopping?  I attempt a little hop, and it feels 
like I really am going to do it, but then nothing happens.  Frustrating!!!!  

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