Thanks Jenna , This is what its going to take. Like I say, considering what all 
will be involved in this project Its going to take some good minds to come up 
with something that will be an educated source and a wealth of information. So 
we are going to need everyones help on this. Rick


-------------- Original message ----------------------
> Hi Rick and Sandy, My husband is going to send out an e-mail to all the 
> people 
> on his LinkedIn thing...I don't really know how it works, but he has over 500 
> computer people he chats with. I let you know what happens.
> Jenna
> ----- Original Message ----
> To: tmic-list <>
> Cc: tmic-list <>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 4:53:33 PM
> Subject: [TMIC] Spring newsletter
> Dear membership, This is Rick in Tn. Back in spring in our newsletter, Sandy 
> had 
> issued a challenging project to us and had very little response to it, which 
> is 
> an absolute shame. The initative was to instigate a data-base of your Drs., 
> Your 
> main Dr. that you visit on a regular basis. This is the Dr. that hopefully is 
> helping you to live with your case of TM. The shame is that only nine of us 
> responded to Sandy's request. The objective of this data-base is to give your 
> Dr. a real live place where he or she can get access to information about the 
> treatments available to help your Dr. best treat your individual case of TM 
> or 
> any of the other afflictions that are in the scope of our group, be it TM, 
> ADEM, 
> MS ect. I just got off of the phone with Sandy and I feel that he was about 
> to 
> give up on the notion. This is not good simply because it gives your Dr. a 
> data-base that they may go to where they can get the most up to date 
> information 
> on the range of
>  treatments available to us!
> . This 
> is for our benefit and also and most important your Dr. can find ways to help 
> us 
> survive with this monster. It would be an absolute shame to let this idea 
> just 
> slip away without a chance to see if it will help us and our DRs. And by the 
> way 
> Sandy wanted me to say Hi to all of you and to wish you all a healthy New 
> Year.
> >  Now here is another chance for us to get this data-base into reality mode. 
> All you have to do is send Sandy in an e-mail or call him with contact 
> information about your Doctor, such as first Their Name,the organization they 
> work at, Their address,city state and zip code,Their phone number include 
> area 
> code,and most important their e-mail address. You should make sure that this 
> is 
> cool with your Dr. Listen folks this is for our benefit and the importance of 
> this is of the highest priority. Sandy told me that this is going to be a 
> very 
> difficult process, but together we can make it work. Our Drs. need to know 
> what 
> is available to them and to our treatment. Make sure your Doctor understands 
> that all of his information will be kept in a completely safe and secure 
> data-base free of infestation. Now, Sandy assured me that this will not be a 
> simple process so if you have any valid suggestions on setting up a data-base 
> your expertise will be wanted if not
>  required. People Please,!
>   this i
> s something of a breakthrough and it will require some of the best minds we 
> have. Sandy has initiated a very challenging project, so lets not let him 
> down. 
> Your Spring Newsletter 2007 touches on this so dig them out and read from the 
> first page of Volume7 Issue 2 (from the editor). Together we can make this a 
> reality and another source for us to get the type of help we need and 
> deserve. 
> Please lets don't drop the ball, this will require a concerned effort from 
> everyone so , LETS GET IT DONE> Thanks and God bless us all. Rick Ashford in 
> Tennessee. 01/08/08
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